Press release
EVEREST Project Aims to Revolutionise Biomedical Research with Extracellular Vesicles in 2025.
The project will bring together 21 institutions from 11 countries with a budget of €1.3 million to advance the study of extracellular vesicles (EVs).
EVs, small particles that act as messengers between cells, have the potential to transform early diagnosis and targeted treatments for diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular conditions.
Further details here.
2024. 11. 15.

Press release
Péter Ferdinandy, MD, PhD, MBA, the Founder & CEO of Pharmahungary Group, has been recognized as a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ for the sixth time in 2023
Further information here.
The main purpose of HBA is to strengthen the position of biotechnology as a strategic industry in Hungary.
In each year HBA organizes special forums which provide opportunities for personal contacts between researchers, investors, companies and government decision-makers.
The forum will continue to bring together the academic, business and public sectors in order to create more efficient and more successful collaborations not only at a national, but also at an international level.