Press release
Péter Ferdinandy, MD, PhD, MBA, the Founder & CEO of Pharmahungary Group, has been recognized as a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ for the sixth time in 2023
Further information here.
Press release
Péter Ferdinandy, MD, PhD, MBA, Founder & CEO of Pharmahungary Group noticed as ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ for the 5th time and elected as Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Pharmacology.
Further information here.
The main purpose of HBA is to strengthen the position of biotechnology as a strategic industry in Hungary.
In each year HBA organizes special forums which provide opportunities for personal contacts between researchers, investors, companies and government decision-makers.
The forum will continue to bring together the academic, business and public sectors in order to create more efficient and more successful collaborations not only at a national, but also at an international level.